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Putting a red light to sex trafficking: How to spot it.

Did you know that today worldwide there are 20 to 30 million people in slavery. In fact, in the U.S. between 14,500 and 17,500 people are trafficked each year. Human trafficking is right behind illegal drugs and fire arms as one of the largest international crime industries; generating a profit of $32 billion every year.

Recently in the city of Philadelphia, a 14 year old girl was sold in to sex slavery. Police officials say she was placed in a motel room at The Roosevelt Motor Inn of which she was barred from leaving FOR MONTHS and forced to commit sexual acts with 1,000 men. And guess what, the motel staff looked the other way. Sadly this happens more than we think.

Below are some indicators of a person possibly being held in sex trafficking and what you should do

- Is the person living with an employer

- There is an inability to speak to the individual alone

- The employer holds the identification documents belonging to the individual

- The person may display submissive and fearful behavior

– The person has scripted or rehearsed answers

– The person is unable to come and go freely

– Person lives in poor conditions

- The person is engaged in commercial sex acts/Prostitution

- The person is disconnected from family, friends or community organizations

To add to this for children

- Has the child stopped attending school

- Is there sudden and/or dramatic changes in behavior

IMPORTANT: If you think you know or have possibly encountered someone who shows any of the indicators above DO NOT attempt to confront them directly. Instead call your local police OR dial the national tip line open 24/7 at 1-866-347-2423

House of Roses in Bloom is working diligently to opening our first home. We want young women to know there is hope and that they have a future. In order to do this we need financial support. Become a monthly partner or give a one-time yearly donation to help us change lives.

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